Client Information System
This type of custom program is useful for organizations whose main activity
is the service of individuals. Where the Client and their servicing
is the main trade of business. Such organizations usually need to
maintain a considerable amount of detail about the client; much more
information than just name, address and phone. In many cases,
multiple service sites exist under the umbrella of the organization
and the uniqueness of an individual and their information needs to be
maintained across sites. The importance of keeping such detailed information
usually includes the ability to get regular reports of high traffic areas of
service or activity, often used to acknowledge Funders and Donors that their
money is well spent.
Client Information Main Screen
Data entry details particular to your organization can be easily
organized on the tabs on the bottom of this screen.
Individual Service Log Screen
The different categories of service your organization delivers can be easily customized.
Group Services Screen
Entering in a Group Service can also work as a scheduling tool.
Group Service Attendees Screen
Adding attendees to a Group Service is very easy. When theservice is delivered,
the outcome for each member can be edit here or on their Individual Service Log Screen.