12 February, 2000, |
Absolute Genius |
276 Carlaw Ave., Unit #211 |
Toronto, Ontario |
Canada M4M 3L1 |
Tel: (416) 461-1551 |
Fax: (416) 461-4537 |
Web: www.absolutegenius.com |
Attention: Client Contact |
Client Company Name |
Client Street Address. |
Scarborough, Ontario |
Canada M1X 1G5 |
Tel: (Client Telephone) Fax: (Client Fax) |
Re: Valudater Front End and Control Project |
PC KIOSK - User Front End and Control to guide the user through the deposit process while controlling |
the hardware and providing the User with a receipt as well as storing the transaction information with |
backups. (Parts are estimated for 2 Units) |
I see your dilemma concerning your budget! The parts are difficult to do anything with so they pretty |
well have to stand as-is. |
Your budget of $25,000.00 for 2 units is very tight, if the development has to be done within that |
budget. Is there any way to get your client to commit to more than 2 units to give some breathing room to |
the development amortization? Anyway, based on this tight budget, what I propose is that the Parts List |
and the Keyboard Development stay as they are. The other Hardware and Software Development Labour I |
do for half of what is estimated. And on further Production Units we get $500.00 for the software and we |
provide a security dongle with each copy. |
Yours Truly, |
Sean O'Leary |
12 February, 2000 - Rev. 1 | Page 1 of 5 |