Section: 1 SubTotal | $480.00 |
Section: | 2 | Data and Process Management |
No: | Action Description | Start | Amount |
1 | Startup Rotating Form(s) for Selecting Language as well as | 08-Dec-99 | $320.00 |
Ad Display. Either change label captions for all loaded forms |
or handle it in the Form_Activae Event. |
Have one form with a picture object set not to change size and |
to re-size the picture inside. |
2 | User Process Forms - Guide User through the Deposit | 08-Dec-99 | $1,920.00 |
process. |
3 | User Data Forms - Collect Database Input from User. Make | 12-Dec-99 | $640.00 |
sure data input fields are validated and all data errors are |
trapped. Create a Generic OK/Cancel MessageForm for when |
errors need response. |
4 | Input/Output Control Modules - to control the hardware during | 14-Dec-99 | $1,920.00 |
the Deposit Process. I.e. Keyboard Scanning, Chute Eye |
detection, Chute Solenoid Control, Status Monitor Output. |
Section: 2 SubTotal | $4,800.00 |
Phase: 2 SubTotal | $5,280.00 |
Phase: | 3 | Labour - System Implementation Requirements |
Section: | 1 | Hardware Implementation |
No: | Action Description | Start | Amount |
1 | Install and Test Hardware | 20-Dec-99 | $320.00 |
2 | Modification Based on Initial Test Results | 22-Dec-99 | $640.00 |
Section: 1 SubTotal | $960.00 |
Section: | 2 | Software Implementation |
No: | Action Description | Start | Amount |
1 | Install and Test Software | 20-Dec-99 | $320.00 |
2 | Modification Based on Initial Test Results | 22-Dec-99 | $640.00 |
Section: 2 SubTotal | $960.00 |
Phase: 3 SubTotal | $1,920.00 |
Project Labour SubTotal | $11,360.00 |
Project Labour Tax | $795.20 |
Project Labour Total | $12,155.20 |
12 February, 2000 - Rev. 1 | Page 3 of 5 |